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Introduction- Haley Weger

Hi! I'm Haley Weger and I am a senior this year, graduating in May. I'm from a suburb of Houston, called Friendswood. My parents just bought a house on a small island near Galveston, so the next time I go home I will be living there. I am a Journalism major, on the broadcast track, with a minor in Human Relations. The best part about my major is that I am involved in our student-run newsroom through Gaylord, so I get real-life practice being on camera. I have the chance to learn all of the ropes and exactly how a real newsroom is run before I graduate! Outside of my classes and OU Nightly, I am also involved in greek life and the OU spirit program. I am starting my fourth year on the OU Pom Squad, and am also a member of Tri Delta. I also work at Ada High School on the side, teaching their pom squad. Right now my favorite TV shows I'm watching are Yellowstone and Ozark, but my all time favorites are New Girl and Friends. In the future, I would like to become a news or sports reporter, but with the way the world is looking right now, I would take any job! If I didn't do reporting, I would love to get into the marketing side of journalism. I did a remote work internship with a communications company this summer doing content writing with the marketing team, and I loved it! I have a passion for writing, so I would love to have a job that lets me play that passion out. I have two dogs- they are the love of my life! I have a great family of four- myself, my parents and my little brother. My brother is two years younger than me, and goes to Texas A&M. I have a schnoodle (schnauzer and poodle mix), named Sophie, and a golden retriever named Harley. I loved spending the past few months at home in quarantine with the five of them, and miss them already.

My babies! Harley & Sophie, Personal Photo.

I love to do spontaneous things, and surrounding myself with friends. I live with 9 of my best friends, so I really don't like being alone very much. I love to travel, and one of the best places I traveled to was Italy last summer. I studied abroad with Gaylord, and spent a month traveling around Italy. It was an amazing experience! I'm really looking forward to this semester!


  1. Hi Haley!

    First off, I have a schnauzer and I absolutely love her. I can only imagine how much softer they are mixed with a poodle! You seem to have a passion for your major and I admire that. I think that as time goes on it can seem mundane but you have jumped into your major and all of the extra curriculars of your college and that is awesome! Especially getting to study abroad with your college! College can be so much fun and it seems like you (and your nine roommates) have taken it all in! I loved getting to know a little bit more about you!

    With love,

  2. Hi Haley!

    I also have a schnauzer that I wouldn't trade for anything in the world. He can be a big grump sometimes though; our family believes his inner voice is similar to that of an angry old man. It's so awesome that you're in Gaylord! I'm a public relations major myself, and I am totally with you about the fun of journalism. Thank you for sharing a bit of your life with us!

  3. Haley! I have two havenese, and I just got a corgi puppy, so I agree with you on a benefit of quarantine was getting to spend more time with them! That's so cool about pom - I'm sure you've witnessed great OU football and basketball moments, and I'm sorry your senior season will look a little different. I wish I could hear more about your Italy trip! I was supposed to study abroad with PLC this summer, but that obviously was affected by covid. Hopefully it'll work out for us to go this summer!

  4. Hey, Haley!

    I am in love with your dogs just from that one photo. I was able to also spend some quality time with my dog (a maltese) over the quarantine and seeing your dogs is making me miss mine a little more! It's really good to hear that you are looking for a job to have a passion for - and I feel like with the way you are invested in journalism and marketing, that you are definitely going to make that happen. I hope that this final year at OU for you will be a blast! Great to meet you.

  5. Journalism and Human Relations sounds like such a good combination, Haley: you'll be ready to work in a newsroom and also to manage it! And I hope this class can be a fun way for you to explore your passion for writing, trying out all kinds of new writing experiments just to see what happens. Maybe your adorable dogs could be part of the stories too: they look like such a fun pair that could get into lots of fun trouble too! I read an article just this week about how all the dogs of the world are going to be brokenhearted when all the people go back to work since this is the coolest thing ever in terms of dog playtime and hanging-with-the-humans. For right now, we need all the good pet energy to get through the pandemic... and adorable dogs like that could be the heroes of many imaginary dog adventures too! And about Italy: there are SO MANY great folktales and fairy tales from Italy (including a unit in the UnTextbook), so maybe that will be something you'll want to explore and learn about this semester... it's not as fun as being in Italy for real, but it's a way to connect with Italy... story distancing! :-)

  6. Hi Haley!

    First off, so super cool that your parents bought a house on an island! I bet that's fun! I'm also in Gaylord, Im a PR major! I have so much respect for you, you have so many things on your plate, you definitely seem ready to take on the world sister! I hope you get to be a news or sports reporter job like you want, but I can tell you'll be super successful no matter what you end up doing!

  7. Hey Haley!

    Just like you, I am also a Journalism major. I hope to follow your footsteps and get more involved within Gaylord and I think that it is awesome that you get to be a part of OU Nightly, it is such a well put together program. I also want to be a sports reporter but most likely on the writing side. I hope you get a great job out of college!


  8. Haley, I wish you the best this semester, and all the things that you're involved in! I bet Journalism and the like is extremely busy, so definitely only good vibes. Also, tell your dogs that I absolutely adore them because they're cute. Seeing everyone with their animals makes me want to hurry up and get myself the Sphinx cat I've been debating getting or not. I have pets at my parents, but I think it's time I get a fur-baby for my apartment.

  9. Hi Haley,

    I love love LOVE your dogs! They are so precious. Also, I think that is so cool that you are a part of the pom squad! I always love watching y'all's routines at football games. How is football season going to look for you guys this year? I hope it works out!

    I cannot believe you live with NINE other girls! That's a lot, but I am glad you love it!

    I am looking forward to reading more of your posts this semester!


  10. Hi Haley,

    Your dogs are so precious!!! I miss mine at home so much and I just want to give them a big squeeze! I cant imagine living with 9 other girls, I live at gphi in a 4 girl room right now and it's already insane. I looked into doing broadcast meteorology, so your major choice sounds like so much fun!

    I hope you have a great semester!


  11. Hello Haley,
    I'm a Senior and graduating in May as well. Isn't it exciting? Oh, I like New Girl, and my favorite character has to be Nick. I love Friends as well. Other than How I Met Your Mother (HIMYM), I think Friends is the sitcom ever made. I'm so glad to hear you have a passion for writing. There aren't many people who say it.

  12. Hi Haley,
    I'm also a senior who is graduating in May. It is so cool that you have had the opportunity to get experience here at school for what you hope to do in the future and it is so cool to see that there are multiple routes you can take and it sounds like all of them will be interesting to you. I love your dogs they are so cute and I am glad that you have had the chance to spend time with your family in this crazy time.

  13. Hi Haley!
    Nice to see another Gaylord major around! (I'm a Professional Writing major myself)
    Living with nine of my best friends seems like it would be really hectic and crazy, but I bet it would be really fun too. I'm sure you end up with all kinds of stories to tell from it!
    Also, your two dogs are precious!

  14. Haley- that's awesome that you feel the Gaylord program has prepared you so well for the real world! And like you said, at this point with how the world is, any job is a good job!! I'm a fifth year senior and have at least 4 semesters left, which i'm okay with considering this pandemic isn't going away anytime soon! I can't believe you live with 9 other people, it has to be so much fun but also a little chaotic at times? Good luck the rest of this semester!

  15. Hi, Haley! It’s so awesome that you are active in different things and you’re passionate in your major - it’s inspiring! Friends is one of my favorites as well. It’s just a good show to rewatch and/or put on in the background. I am so bummed it’s not on Netflix anymore, but it’s on HBO Max! Your dogs are adorable! It was nice to meet you and good luck the rest of this semester and your senior year!

  16. Hey Haley!

    Your major sounds super interesting and hands-on. It's great that you actually get to practice what you'd be doing for your career now! I don't know anything about the marketing side of journalism, but I bet that would be a cool path to go down. LOVE that picture of your dogs! Good luck with everything in the future, Haley!

  17. Hi Haley! It was really nice to learn more about you and who you are! That is so awesome that you are so involved in school and extracurricular activities. That is so cool that you are moving to Galveston, I have loved my time there every time I have gone! Your dogs are the cutest, I dream of one day having a golden retriever! They are the sweetest dogs. I have heard of those shows on Netflix and I will have to check them out!

  18. Hi Haley. you live with 9 friends?! That's is so freaking cool and I am sure there is never a dull moment! Also it was nice to read about how involved you are with Gaylord and how you got to travel to Italy with them last summer. Italy is definitely such a beautiful place! Have a good winter break!

  19. Hi Hayley,
    It sounds like you are super involved here at OU, which is awesome! I think it is really cool how you have been so involved in such different things such as OU Nightly, greek life, and Pom. You must be super busy during the fall! I play baseball here and could not imagine finding time to doing other activities outside of sports. The Ozarks and Yellowstone are two of my favorite shows as well! Hope the end of your semester is going well and wish you all the best in your future years after graduation!

  20. Hey Haley! I think it is so cool that your parents just bought a house on an island! That sounds like a literal dream. It sounds like you've had a really great college career and have awesome career goals! As a side note, I also deeply love New Girl and Friends, so you have good taste. I hope the semester went well for you and have a very happy holiday!


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