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Week 9 Story: Dog Vs. Cat

 It is no secret that cats and dogs have long been enemies, but many people do not know the reason behind that. Some may think this is a made up, but there is a time to trace back when dog and cat became foes. 

Once upon a time, a couple lived happily ever after with their two pets: a cat named Trixy, and a dog named Spike. The two pets were the best of friends. The couple had a magic ring, that they did not know held special powers. As long as the held the ring, it would bring them good fortune. Since they didn't know this though, they pawned the magic ring.

Soon enough, the couple lost all of their fortune and became very poor. Trixy and Spike were very worried about their owners, and hated to see them suffer. So, like any great pets, they came up with a plan to solve their problem. Spike had a brilliant idea to retrieve the magic ring, and bring it back to his owners. Spike's plan was to trick the new couple that bought the ring into letting the cute, sweet pets into their house, and steal the ring back. Trixy loved the plan. 

The two adorable pets set off on their journey to fix their misfortune. They arrived at the new couple's house, and it only took a few minutes before the couple was loving Spike, petting him and playing fetch with him. This gave Trixy the opportunity to retrieve the ring. They had accomplished their mission! 

The two pets were so excited, that they ran home as fast as they could. Trixy took an unknown shortcut, and beat Spike home with the magic ring. Their owners were so excited that she brought the ring back, and picked her up and pet and hugged her. Spike ran in shortly after, expecting to join in on the love and pets. Instead, he was met with scolding and beating, and was yelled at for not helping them. Trixy sat in the corner purring, ignoring the situation.

Spike could not forgive Trixy for what she did, and how she disrespected him. He held the grudge, and now passes on the grudge to all of the dogs, forever and ever. 


  1. Hi Haley!
    I think you did a pretty good job with the story!
    It's a fun spin on those classic tales that work to help explain the ways of the world.
    But I think you should really be sure to include an author's note, since it's unclear what the story was that inspired yours, and it'd be good to see where the story came from and how you ended up with your own story.

  2. Hi Haley,

    I really liked this story, I think it is a very fun and cute twist on the original. I think you should add just a few more details and descriptions of the story's setting. What was there life like before and after they became poor? How did the pets know to be sad/ worried? I think another thing you could do to make the story more interesting is maybe switch it to be from one of the pets POV. I think those kinds of stories are always fun!

  3. Hi Haley! I loved this story - it was so cute and sweet! You also wrote such wonderful and lovable characters. I can immediately feel so bad for Spike, and it really makes me miss my own dogs and cat. There are a couple comma splices in your story that it would probably be good to fix, but I'm very bad at commas, so I completely understand how easy it is to make mistakes! Overall, I really loved the story and had such a good time reading it!


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