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Reading Notes: Part B- Aladdin 1

This story is part of the Arabian Nights unit. Story source: The Arabian Nights' Entertainments by Andrew Lang and illustrated by H. J. Ford (1898). 

This story is the reason I was drawn to this unit in the first place, so I was really excited for reading B in this chapter. 

Aladdin was the son of a poor tailor. Aladdin is described many times in the beginning of this story as "idle". Aladdin would do nothing all day except play in the street with his friends. Aladdin's father, the tailor, sadly died. Aladdins mother was deeply sad, and begged him to stop being so "idle" and essentially become like the new father figure of the family. Despite his mothers begging, Aladdin did not change his idle ways. One normal day, he was playing in the streets as he always does. A man stopped him and asked his age, and if he was the son of Mustapha (which he is). It turns out, this man was his uncle! Also, his new uncle was a famous African magician. He was so excited to see Aladdin, and said he was just like his father. Aladdin told his mother about his newfound uncle, and she knew about him, but had always thought he was dead. Aladdins mother made dinner for the three of them, and the uncle brought wine and fruit. He kissed the place where his brother used to sit. He said he was not surprised they did not know about him, because he had been out of the country for 40 years. 

The uncle soon learned that Aladdin was idle, and had no trade. His mother was very upset when the newfound uncle learned this disappointing news, but the uncle was willing to take Aladdin under his wing. He bought a shop for Aladdin, and stocked it full of merchandise for him to sell. He bought Aladdin new clothes, and took him sightseeing through the beautiful city. His mother was so excited to see Aladdin doing something, instead of sitting around. 

The next day, the two went on a long magical journey outside the city. Aladdin begged to go back, but his uncle continued with interesting stories to distract him. They came to a valley, and the magician performed an act that shocked and scared Aladdin. He threw dust and cast a spell on a fire, and a ring attached to a stone appeared. The uncle told Aladdin that the treasure was his, and to obey him. Aladdin was so excited for the treasure, he forgot his fears. His uncle gives him further steps, ending with fetching a lamp, pouring out the oil, and bringing it back to him. Aladdin refused to bring the lamp out of the cave, which made his uncle angry, and he cast another spell on the fire, closing Aladdin in the cave.

It was clear that he was not Aladdin's uncle, but instead a sneaky magician, who picked Aladdin because he was an easy target. He planned to take the lamp with the genie for himself- but forgot one key to the treasure- the ring! Aladdin was stuck in the cave for 2 days before he prayed to get out, rubbing the ring between his hands... letting out the genie himself.

Aladdin and his newfound Genie, who will obey whatever he wishes for. By: H. J. Ford 


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