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Topic Brainstorm

I have decided to do a portfolio over a storybook, because I like the idea of writing different things, instead of sticking to one topic.

Topic Idea 1: Biblical. I have always loved biblical stories, and would love to create my own. As I was reading through some of the stories in, it really peaked my interest. I have previous knowledge in a lot of biblical stories, but I am really excited to learn about more. I think one story that I would love to make into my own would be Noah's Arc.

Topic Idea 2: Classical, (Greek). I love learning about Greek mythology in particular, and was really interested in these stories. I have read some Greek mythology, but would need to do more reading before I write my stories. I think this would be great to create new characters based on Greek Gods and goddesses in my life. This was one of the stories I did my first blog post on, and would love to create something like this.

Topic 3: Classical, (Roman). This story peaked my interest, because of the crossover of fairytale with Roman mythology. I loved the story "Beauty and the Basilisk", and from what I have read, this seems very similar. I had a great time writing my own rendition of that story, so I know I would enjoy this as well.

Topic 4: This interested me because of the fairytale aspect as well. This topic I am least familiar with, and would need to do much more research on before writing any stories.

Greek God Poseidon


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