A couple held a special lucky gold ring, and whoever had it would always have enough money. But, they didn't know so they sold the ring, and became very poor. They had a dog and cat who were also poor and starving, and wanted to help their owners. The dog suggested getting the ring back. The dog wanted the cat to catch a mouse to retrieve the ring.
The cat liked the idea, and caught a mouse to do the deed. The mouse, dog and cat went on a journey to fetch the ring, and bring it back to the pet's owners. The cat could climb over objects that the dog had to run around, so the cat beat the dog home. The cat was praised for retrieving the ring. The dog was beat and scolded for not getting the ring, and the cat did not step in to say the dog helped. The dog was so mad that the cat did not tell the owners that it was his idea, and that he did a majority of the work getting the ring back. The dog tried to chase the cat, and the two have been enemies ever since.
The beginning of the feud between dog and cat.
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